Susie Fernandez de Cordova
Credentials: MS
Position title: Data Scientist, Clinical Research Coordinator
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Phone: 608-262-5655
610 Walnut Ave,
9th floor, Office 936,
Madison, WI, 53726-2336
Susie Fernandez de Cordova is a Clinical Research Coordinator and Data Scientist at the Mora Pinzon Lab. Originally from Lima, Peru, she moved to the Madison area at age five with her parents. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s degree in Clinical and Health Informatics, both from UW-Madison.
Susie’s connection with Alzheimer’s disease began at 18 when she became the caregiver for her grandparents living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This experience led her on a decade-long journey, deepening her understanding of the disease’s impact on patients and families. Navigating the complexities of the healthcare system, she recognized the vital need for culturally sensitive and appropriate care. Her path led her to the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC), where she initially worked as a Research Specialist conducting memory assessments and later as a Recruitment and Outreach Specialist, recruiting participants and raising Alzheimer’s awareness through community engagement.
Susie pursued a master’s degree in clinical and health informatics because she recognized the power of data to catalyze positive change. Her focus centers on leveraging data to address health disparities, particularly within the Latine community, through integrated research, outreach, and data-driven initiatives. For the past three years, she has had the privilege of working at the Mora Pinzon Lab, working with a committed team dedicated to conducting health services research related to dementia care and addressing health disparities within the Latine community.